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Perfect Fit Wholesale Application
Upholstery+ Businesses - Apply for a Perfect Fit Wholesale Customer Account
Our support team will reply in the next 1-2 business days. Check your spam folder if you don't see a response within that time.
Your Business Name
Owner or Primary Contact
Phone Number
Company Street Address
Company Mailing Address
Company Mailing Address
Same as street address
Mailing State
Accounting Contact
accounting contact same as primary
Same as primary contact
Accounting Contact Name
Accounting Email
Accounting Phone
Accounting Extension
Business EIN
Describe your business
the customers and industry you serve
Number of Employees
Upload your valid business license
Click to choose a file or drag here
Accepts image, .pdf files
Upload your W-9
Click to choose a file or drag here
Accepts image, .pdf files
Tax-Exempt Status
Tax-Exempt Status
Eligible for tax-exempt transactions
How did you hear about us?
How did you hear about us?
Internet search
Other customer(s) of Perfect Fit
Perfect Fit salesperson
Google ad